Locations of Low Emission Zones While Travelling Abroad

Emission Travelling Abroad Co2 Image

Low Emission Zones (LEZs) are becoming more prominent throughout Europe as we continually strive to remove some of the most polluting vehicles from entering certain areas. Certain vehicles are banned from driving in LEZs if their emissions are over a certain limit and if you’re planning to drive through Europe, it’s essential that you’re aware of where these areas are. An LEZ can also be known throughout Europe as a Milieuzone, Lavutslippssone, Environment Zone, Miljozone, Umweltzonen or Miljozon.

Before travelling, you should aim to find out the emissions standard of your car as this information will let you know whether you’re able to enter into LEZs throughout Europe and can save a lot of hassle on your trip. They're basically set up to cut down on emissions and protect the environment. Removing CO2 can make living and breathing in a city far more enjoyable and both the UK and countries abroad are seeing this as an essential move forward to helping protect the environment.

Entering an LEZ

All LEZs are in effect 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, other than Italy at the moment. In order to drive into an LEZ, you may have to register your car first. In Italy, Sweden and Germany you need to have a sticker on your car before entering. In most other countries, cameras monitor cars entering the LEZ and your registration plate will be recorded.

Locations of LEZs Throughout Europe

How to Comply with LEZs

There are a number of ways to comply with low emission zone standards. The easiest, but most expensive is to buy a newer vehicle. If this isn’t possible, you can consider a retrofit or simply rearrange your journey to avoid LEZs. Planning ahead is crucial for anyone driving through Europe so consider this as the best alternative to avoid LEZs

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